Case Studies

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Case Studies

The Challenge

To fetch qualified B2B Leads and scheduled calls under budget restraints.

The Process

To stay within the budget requirements, we did extensive research to fetch a highly targeted audience. The resultant TOF campaign with 3 ad sets effortlessly caught the attention of the potentials. Despite in-depth research, we played safe by letting Facebook chose the best out of 8 different creative & four ad copies in dynamic creative ads. Therefore, even the initial daily ad spend of $30/day was fruitful.

The Results

While the industry average CPL was $100, our targeted efforts resulted in $23.28/per lead (under the desired target of 77%). Unlike what we expected, all the 3 ad sets turned out fruitful, but 2 aced it. To bring the cost further down, we picked the 2 winning creatives & 2 winning copies. Within a short period of one month, we brought the accountant-client 38 qualified leads ready to schedule calls and counting.

The Challenge

To get high-ticket agency leads within a limited advertising budget and without the help of any past data.

The Process

To achieve the numbers we were looking for, we:

Built a new funnel from scratch. Focused on cold audiences (due to a lack of past data). Kickstarted a CBO campaign with at least 3 ad sets. Started off with substantially large audiences, giving Facebook more room to optimize for the best results. Continually tested multiple new creatives and ad copies designed to appeal to potential customers. Conducted 4 weeks of rigorous RFT testing.

The Results

From 14th Oct 2020 to 11th Jan 2020, we:

Managed to reel in 106 leads. Achieved a minimal Cost Per Lead of $47, with a total ad spend of $5,017.

The Challenge

To build highly targeted cold audiences with no prior data and warming them up into leads at a low cost.

The Process

We did extensive audience and competitor research for the client to build the right audience persona with winning conversion probability. We coupled that with the lookalikes of the high lifetime value (LTV) audience and begin our TOF campaign. With a daily budget of $30/day initially, campaign budget optimization (CBO) worked wonders in distributing the budget where results were coming from. Getting 46 ready-to-convert leads in 3 months was no less of a miracle for the accountant who dropped down to 3-5 low-paying leads a month.

The Results

We successfully booked the client 46 calls at a 63% conversion rate. With dynamic creative ads, we got the creatives that would convert for the account for a long time down the road. Our TOF audiences seeded for the other funnel levels too, so the client had the blueprint of success right in his hands for future use. He was absolutely amazed at the low cost per lead for the high-paying clients, comparing the results with those of his colleagues. Needless to say, he survived the global recession like it never happened.

The Challenge

To get him the required traction that could earn him high-paying B2B clients.

The Process

Out of his previous results until he used to perform well, and with our own research, we build the cold audience to nurture them through our funnel while simultaneously converting them right at TOF. We initially ran 3 adsets to this audience at $30/day, increasing that gradually as we started getting results. CBO worked really well even with the low budget, as Facebook favored the converting adset with it.

The Results

A high number of leads got the client back on track in a brief time period. The average of $26.59 CPL was a huge hit in the industry, keeping in mind the quality of the leads. The client got a winning adset out of 3, with the potential to run and convert on auto-pilot. The low cost per lead saved us more budget to distribute at other levels of the funnel in the next step.

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We guide mid-size accounting firms by helping them achieve unprecedented growth and market dominance without the risk of wasting their budget on trial-and-error marketing campaigns using my Accountant Profit Surge Formula.

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